My latest car (1967 Ford Mustang Pt. II.)

Lightning strikes twice!!!  After all these years...and it is Lime Gold as well!!!  Not perfect, but a great start.

     It must have been about three or four years ago when the yearning to have another 1967 Mustang in my life started to kit me hard?  Over the years I had thought about the '67 Mustang I had in my youth.  I recall the sleepless 2 am mornings in the time after I got out of the Service and could not sleep.  Throwing $5 into the tank and taking a early morning moonlit drive along the Lake Erie Coast saved my sanity many times.  I really missed little things like.  

    I have  a few friends who brought  up the idea of me looking for another Mustang.  I agreed with them whole heartily, but I had thought that in today's day and age the coast of finding another 67 Mustang in decent shape would be out of my megre means.  So I just brushed off the ideas of another Mustang and went about with my life...

     Then about three years the thought of having another Mustang started to really take root.  I became a lot more open minded to the thought of having another Mustang.  I "officially announced" to my friends in my hometown that I was starting the search for another Mustang and for them to keep their eyes and ears open for me.  

    When I started the search I was hoping to find another 1967 Mustang, that was what my first car was and I really missed it.  There is something unique about the year of Mustang.  I was open minded to an earlier one, or I really would not mind a 1969 Mustang Coupe.  I can seriously see me looking for a '69 Coupe in the future, but that will be a future story.  I really need to thank my friend Dan for keeping me on course and looking for a '67 and not another year.  As much as I wanted a 1967, I had looking for other years as well.  He was convince I would be more happy with another 1967, like my first one.  He was 100% right.  

    After all was said and done...I ended up with another 1967 Mustang Coupe.  But it gets better!  This one was also Lime Gold!  The same as my first Mustang.  Although this one has a Parchment Interior (with black carpet).  

     I will not get into all the drama it took to buy this Mustang, the adventure getting back to where I live, and all the other hurdles jumped to get this one into my life.  Let's just say God has a funny way of letting you learning patience, ways to work on your anxiety issues and just giving you a way of knowing things will work out in the end.  To say this evolution was (is...there is still so much more to this story) a work of faith is a vast understatement!!!

After the first wash.

On Sam's trailer and ready to start the four hour odyssey home.  It is far from perfect, but a great place to start.  All in all, it is pretty much complete from how it would have looked during The Summer of Love (1967 for those not familiar with that term).  Yeah...there is going to be a lot of work in the future years with this one...and that is just fine with me.

My second Mustang with the infamous dangling N...  I love the "289" call out!!!

Welcome to the interior of 1967!  Ultra-modern Tilt-Away Steering wheel Option included!!!

Happiness is a your second '67 Mustang in the rear view mirror.

C-Code 289 2-V Small Block Ford.

Let the good times roll!!!

Been a long time coming to sit here again!!!

     In closing this episode...  so many people to thank!
I'll start with God, my Wife Tess,  my friends Dan, Sam, Ken, Kel and I'm sure others.  My Sisters LeRose and Sue.  My de facto Brother in Law Bob.  I'm sure that other names I have forgot will bubble to the surface after I publish this blog post.  Anyway...thanks for the inspiration, prayers, rides and transportation, jump starts, etc...  God knows I am going to need a lot of help in the coming years with this project!!!  Thanks again!!!

1967 Sales Booklet.

Original window sticker from 1967.


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