
One of the many faces of the modern Dyslexic (this happens to be me a couple years back).

Another photo of the modern Dyslexic from 1988.

     The Mammoth in the room, Dyslexia...  This is a subject I wanted to cover since the day I started Moon in the Sky.  Honestly, I have no clue where to begin, so I just started to write and see what bubbles to the surface.  This is a topic very near and dear to me and I'm fairly certain to a lot of others out there.

     Right...so if you have not got it sussed out yet...I have Dyslexia.  Anyone who has actually attempted to read Moon in the Sky probably could see that right out of the starting blocks.  I make mistakes in my spelling, like all the time (my family comes from England, so I attempt  to spell like my family in Blighty does and that might throw some people off the track even farther?).  The way I structure my words is "avant garde" as well (then the computer actually changes words as well, which is a pain in the bum!).

    Just reading what I type on my blog gave it away that my brain is "lacking" when it comes to writing the English language.  Anyway...I tend to "just plough through" whatever it is I'm attempting to write about and not give a bugger all about mistakes.  I think it makes me much more happy if I can actually finish a blog post about something I wanted to share about instead of taking turturous hours trying to make it perfect.  I can't count how many times I have gone back to an episode of Moon in the Sky and saw a mistake that I did not see when I wrote it, and reread it before posting.  Yes...I can reread a post and totally miss something right in front of me.  I can not see it 56 times, and then a week later it pops into my vision.
I think that right there is the best way I can describe what it is like to have Dyslexia.

    Dyslexia, millions of us have it.  But what is it?  I honestly cannot give a definition, I know that sounds strange to most.  All I know is when I was 12-ish my parents thought my school work was not up to par to where it should be and they had me tested.  Yep Dyslexia.  I honestly thought I read decently, maybe not as fast as a lot of the other kids, but adequately in my mind.  Any...I have Dyslexia and can't describe it to you, but if you have it, you know what I mean.

    I honestly don't mind having this "different way of thinking", seeing the world from another angle is a good thing.  I feel sorry for people who think "normal".  I know in my heart that us with the 'lexia are probably just as intelligent, or maybe more so, than the normal person.  I think it is just more difficult for us to show it in the traditional sense.  Testing, and subjects in the schools are designed for people who are not like us.  I don't want to sound like a justice warrior, because I'm not, just pointing out that we tend to do not so totally awesome in a traditional classroom.  I made it through high school by a lot of luck and I'm not sure what else?  

   Those of us who have Dyslexia share a common bond with some really great people.  I'm not going to list the lot, but it is extensive and worth a search.  Seeing the names on that list gives me a large sense of hope.  I know we have great things to share to the world, but finding a way to thrive is the difficult part. 

    Anyway...I just wanted to make an episode to "confess" about having this condition.  I honestly would not feel right without it.  The way we see the world in pictures in our brains is something I can't impinge being without.  

   I think that is it for this one?  I hope to write more on this topic, God knows there is no shortage of material to cover on this one.




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